Ranging from IV Vitamin Hydration to Hormone Optimization and everything in between
We offer 20 specially formulated IV Infusions for all your health needs. Our Infusions are administered by a certified nurse and are isotonic, osmolar, magnetized, alkaline, manufactured in the USA and independently tested. We also offer tailor made IV bags formulated from our extensive lab work we do in house.
All Vital Force IV Hydration Therapies include the following:You’ve heard about it and you’re intrigued. You should be! Between the environment and our lifestyles, our bodies take a beating and work overtime to counteract the stress we put it under. We need a quick refreshment, physically and mentally! Cryotherapy is that and a whole lot more.
Today is your day to feel refreshed, alive and unstoppable.
Our whole body chamber was specifically designed to be the most advanced cryo machine available. Next Health Cryo does not use liquid nitrogen which could be potentially dangerous. Our system is designed to provide even cooling throughout your treatment.
We provide you with protective gear and our staff is there to supervise you the entire time. You will leave feeling invigorated and refreshed, ready to live life to the fullest.
A form of alternative medicine, Ozone therapy offers multiple health benefits. The benefits of ozone on the body include strengthening the immune system, stimulating white blood cells, preventing infections and immune system deficiencies by destroying fungi, bacteria and viruses. It also helps to counteract cell mutations. It helps red blood cells to transport oxygen and improves circulation and general cell function. As well as being a powerful antioxidant, it helps to eliminate toxins.
You’ve heard about stem cells in the news, and perhaps you’ve wondered if they might help you or a loved one with a serious disease. You may wonder what stem cells are, how they’re being used to treat disease and injury, and why they’re the subject of such vigorous debate.
Stem cells are the body’s raw materials — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells.
These daughter cells either become new stem cells (self-renewal) or become specialized cells (differentiation) with a more specific function, such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells or bone cells. No other cell in the body has the natural ability to generate new cell types.
Did you know that Revive Therapy & Wellness now offers Genetic and Allergy Testing? Unlike many other clinics that simply offer bare bones intravenous vitamin therapy, we have a full medical staff including a medical doctor and much more. If you would like to gain a full understanding of your body and health, along with a plan for overall wellness – give us a call at (205) 352-9141